Interactive Measurement Practice

As we begin the school year in the wake of Covid-19, traditional labs and hands-on activities are very limited. Therefore, we need to find ways to do things virtually. I developed this interactive measurement & scale-reading activity using Construct 3. Students can use this to practice reading the scale on a ruler and reading the volume in three different-sized graduated cylinders.

Length Measurement Features

  • Draggable ruler
  • Checks accuracy of measurement and provides feedback.
    • Accepts measurements within ±0.015 cm of the actual length.
    • Provides encouragement to estimate as accurately as possible for measurements within ±0.03 cm of the actual length.
  • Requires input of units (cm) for each measurement.
  • Challenges users to measure five lengths in a row. Any mistakes will cause the count to start over.
  • Button to download a screenshot when finished.

Source Construct 3 file (open with

Volume Measurement Features

  • Practice reading scales on 500-ml, 100-ml, and 10-ml graduated cylinders.
  • Checks accuracy of measurement and provides feedback.
    • Accepts a small range of estimates for the final digit in the reading.
    • Requires recording volumes to the level of precision/resolution of the graduated cylinder.
  • Requires input of units (ml) for each measurement.
  • Requires users to correctly measure 6 volumes to complete the activity (2 for each of the cylinder sizes).
  • Button to download a screenshot when finished.

Source Construct 3 file (open with

  1. Som

    It’s very good job. Can u make the measuring cylinder to more applicable…so we can choose to use for max 100ml, 200ml or 500ml. Tq

    • Jason

      Thanks for the feedback. The simulation already includes 100ml and 500ml graduated cylinders. I also included the source files so you can modify it to meet your needs.

  2. Angela

    This is awesome. I would like to construct my own but I do not have the cp3 program to open your file. Is there another way? Please let me know. Thank you in advance.

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